



3.salt怎么读 salt意思简单介绍







       2.However,?a significant amount?of?water?seems?to?be?too?hot,?too cold?or?too?salty?to be inhabitable,?so?the pursuit can be?more?directed.




       4.An?extension?of the?continuity?equation?by?a?source?term?due?to?evaporation?rates?of?salt?seawater?will?help?to?understand?hurricanes.


       5.The?government?is?trying?to?provide?supplies?by?air,?bringing in?food?and?medicine,?but?it's?like?dropping?a?little?salt?into the?ocean.


       6.The?donkey?walked?on the?bridge?but?stumbled?and?fell?into?the?river.?He?got?up?and felt?very?happy. There?was?no?salt?in?his?bags.


       7.The?women,?as?always,?were?more?silent?than?gazelles,?but?Ruha did not?need?to?hear?to?know?they?were?serving?hot?salted?coffee?to the?men.


       8.The?aim?of this?paper?was?to?develope?a sort of?high strength?salt?core?used for?aluminum alloy?squeeze?casting.






salt怎么读 salt意思简单介绍

读作,美[so:lt] 英[so:lt;splt]。


       The last step in making this dish is to salt it properly。做这道菜的最后一步是放适量的盐。

       Salt is an indispensable condiment in people's daily life。食盐是人们日常生活中必不可少的调味品。

       This salt vegetable can replenish energy for the human body。这种含盐的蔬菜可以为人体补充能量。

       Most fast food is loaded with salt and fat。大部分快餐含盐量和含脂肪量都过高。

       You'll need a little salt and pepper too。你还需要点盐和胡椒。

       Well that runs the risk of stroke or heart attack. Get some exercise. And watch your salt intake, as well。那就有中风或心脏病的危险了。你要做点运动,同时也要注意盐的摄入量。

       Salt water is more buoyant than fresh water。盐水比淡水浮力大。







        (1)Add salt and pepper to taste.适量放盐和胡椒粉。

        (2)Salt water is more buoyant than fresh water.盐水比淡水浮力大。

        (3)Dont be too heavy-handed with the salt.别放太多的盐




       食盐, 风趣, 刺激


       含盐的, 咸的, 风趣的, 辛辣的


       加盐于, 用盐腌










       A colorless or white crystalline solid, chiefly sodium chloride, used extensively as a food seasoning and preservative.Also called common salt ,table salt

       盐:一种无色或白色结晶固体,主要成分是氯化钠,广泛用于食物调料和防腐剂也作 common salt,table salt

       A chemical compound formed by replacing all or part of the hydrogen ions of an acid with metal ions or electropositive radicals.


       salts Any of various mineral salts used as laxatives or cathartics.

        salts 用作泻剂的盐类:被用于轻泻药或泻药的各种矿物质

       salts Smelling salts.

        salts 溴盐

       Often salts Epsom salts.

        常作 salts 泻盐

       An element that gives flavor or zest.


       Sharp, lively wit.


       Informal A sailor, especially when old or experienced.

       非正式用语 老水手:水手,尤指老练而富有经验的水手

       A saltcellar.



       Containing or filled with salt:


       a salt spray; salt tears.


       Having a salty taste or smell:


       breathed the salt air.


       Preserved in salt or a salt solution:


       salt mackerel.


       Flooded with seawater.


       Found in or near such a flooded area:
